Tag Archives: blogging


| Tomas Morato, Quezon City |

I live to tell – that’s how I always think of myself. My mantra and my mission, that thinking has become my way of life, personal or professional.

And so I write. I have always been in awe of words. Words have the unseen immensity and depth that capture the shade and hue of the beauty and madness of this world. Words can amp up and tone down the picture they paint, and just like a face, they can launch a thousand ships.

I love exploring the pulchritude of words. I write because I live, and I write because I tell.

I write because I exist in the most interesting of times when unprecedented changes in all facets of life happen, revealing more and more the craziness of this planet. But however stark raving mad things have become, they need to be written. They require telling, the Didion way or not.

And so I’m writing again, attempting to journal the world in the eye of forty-something. In these interesting times, to write is a must. 

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